I am having problems with getting the character to jump/fail when the up arrow is pressed. I'm trying to make it so when the up arrow key is pressed once it will jump a certain height then fall.
Here is my movement code:
public var gravity:int = 2;
public function fireboyMovement(e:KeyboardEvent):void
if (e.keyCode == 37) //right
fireboy1.x = fireboy1.x -5;
else if (e.keyCode == 39) //left
fireboy1.x = fireboy1.x +5;
if (e.keyCode == 38) //up
fireboy1.y = fireboy1.y -20;
fireboy1.y += gravity;
Your issue is you need to increment the players position over time (and not all at once).
You can either use a tweening engine (like tweenlite), or roll your own timer or enter frame handler.
Here is an example of the latter: