I have created a Custom Activity on ADF v2 that runs a Powershell script running the command “powershell .\script.ps1”.
Actually, the output of the script is saved on “StaName/adfjobs/activityRunId/stdout.txt” but I need to store the file in another container on the same StorageAccount, for exemple “StaName/outputs/stdout.txt”.
¿What’s the best way to perform this? Create a Copy activity to copy the file? or there’s some method to send data directly to “StaName/outputs/” through the powershell script?
You can create a copy activity to copy output file to the other container.
You can find my answer here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/5ceda984-874e-417b-8a28-7a512ede61d0/custom-activity-output-values-for-use-in-sequential-task?forum=AzureDataFactory to read from the script blob.