I have a simple hierarchy tree structure with a base class Node representing a node. A node could be of another specific type (subclassing).
class Node {
vector<Node*> childs;
// simple node manipulation methods
const vector<Node*>& getChildren() { return childs; }
and I have a couple of subclasses of Node
class FacultyNode : public Node; ...
class DepartmentNode : public Node; ...
Say I know that all children of a faculty node is of DepartmentNode
type, to save the developer's work I intended to do something like
vector<DepartmentNode*> FacultyNode::getDepartments() {
vector<Node*> tmp = this->getChildren();
vector<DepartmentNode*> a;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++) {
return a;
But that would take O(n)
, and new vector object will be created every time call is made.
Is there any better way to do this?
Maybe you can turn
into a template?As James McNellis points out in his comments below, the following is unsafe (he is more categoric). I wouldn't use it myself, even though I don't know why exactly it would trigger undefined behavior -- maybe I should ask this in a question
Since you are storing pointers in the array, and assuming you can change the return type of your function, then you could do it like this:
Do you really need to copy the vector? In case you don't have to, you can write an iterator which will cast when the user requests the item, i.e. on operator*.
Hope it clarifies what i meant.