I have some functions which generate double, float, short, long random values. I have another function to which I pass the datatype and which should return a random value. Now I need to choose in that function the return value based on the passed datatype. For example, if I pass float, I need:
the probability that the return is a float is 70%, the probability that the return is a double, short or long is 10% each. I can make calls to the other function for generating the corresponding random values, but how do I fit in the probabilistic weights for the final return? My code is in C++.
Some pointers are appreciated.
This can serve as an alternative for future references which can get the probability of precise values such as 99.999% or 0.0001% To get probability(real percentage) do as such:
I have used this method to create very large percolated grids and it works like a charm for precision values.
C++ random numbers have uniform distribution. If you need random variables of another distribution you need to base its mathematical formula on uniform distribution.
If you don't have a mathematical formula for your random variable you can do something like this:
I do not know if I understand correctly what you want to do, but if you just want to assure that the probabilities are 70-10-10-10, do the following:
in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)r <= 7
: floatr == 8
: shortr == 9
: doubler == 10
: longI think you recognize and can adapt the pattern to arbitrary probability values.
mmonem has a nice probabilistic switch, but returning different types isn't trivial either. You need a single type that may adequately (for your purposes) encode any of the values - check out boost::any, boost::variant, union, or convert to the most capable type (probably double), or a string representation.