What is the right way to handle a production and development website on the same server? the development code shouldn't be available until it's used for production. I'm using Apache and Django and VPS hosting. What should I configure? Apache- so it will have a special prefix for development stuff, Django- and have some URL mangling in the urlconf, or just get another VPS for development?
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Find an old computer and stick it in your basement. you really don't need tons of horsepower for a dev machine & should be able to do it for a couple hundred bucks. The problem with developing on a production machine is that you could crash processes [apache?] with some 'not quite debugged yet' code and affect live services, even if you have configured separate subdomains or virtual hosts.
never never never develop live.
PS> another VPS is a workable solution if 'spare hardware' is not available. However you could have availability issues.