I working on an Android App which should play different audio files (mp3) onClick.
Some of the files have longer strings with spaces between the words, e.g:
1. path/dir1/dir2/this is a song.mp3
2. path/dir1/dir2/this.mp3
so if the user clicks on the play button and the chosen file exists in the database, it runs the path. All the devices can run number 2 without any problem. That is, files which do not contain any spaces between words.
Other devices are able to play any kind, that is both 1 & 2. (e.g. Motorola Moto C Plus Android 7.0, Acer Tablet B1-730HD Android 4.4.2)
The problem is with one device I've checked (Levono C2 Model 2016, Android 6.0), it can only play the second one and doesn't recognize such with spaces (No. 1)
So my question is:
did anyone encounter this problem, and if yes, is that a specific bug which exists only for Levono phones? or is this something that can somehow be changed over settings or programming? or in the worst case, do I have modify all the thousands files in database and file manager to have '_' between the words?
any help is appreciated!
P.S Im using Android Studio 3.1.3 for running the mp3s I use:
player = new MediaPlayer();