I have the following code using the Package RGoogleAnaytics
client.id <- "XX"
client.secret <- "YY"
token <- Auth(client.id,client.secret)
When running this it goes into my browser and asks me to login to my account which has the Google Analytics profiles i wish to access. Once this has been done R prompts me to return to R and proceed However in R I get the error:
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
How can I rectify this? Is there a way to force R to accept such certificates? Is there a way to change the type of certificate that the page gives me?
Found this quick fix
disables certificate verification and hence allows me to proceed.
The former solution doesn't work for me with the latest version of
. To solve the problem change the.
for a_
I beleive the reason is the the new version of of the package
changed fromRCurl
(or viceversa).