I am trying to read nested data structures from Firebase Database, but I don't know how to manage the case when an object of type [String:AnyObject] could be nil.
When readFeesCleaner(callback_)
is called, it throws an error.
func readFeesCleaner(callback: @escaping ((_ feesCleaner: FeesCleaner) -> Void)) {
dbRef.child("FeesCleaner").child(self.uidOfTextField!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) in
guard !(snapshot.value is NSNull) else {
//throws error: signal SIGABRTCould not cast value of type '__NSDictionaryM' (0x1111152b0) to 'FIRDataSnapshot' (0x10ef16d18).
let feesCleanersReceived = FeesCleaner(snapshot: (snapshot.value)! as! FIRDataSnapshot)
}) { (error:Error) in
print(#line, "\(error.localizedDescription)")
struct FeesCleaner {
var outstandingFees: AnyObject!
var timeStampFeesSaved: [String:AnyObject]!
var backgroundCheck: AnyObject!
outstandingFees: AnyObject? = nil, //value might not exist when reading
timeStampFeesSaved: [String:AnyObject]? = nil,// value might not exist when reading
backgroundCheck: AnyObject) {
self.outstandingFees = outstandingFees
self.timeStampFeesSaved = timeStampFeesSaved
self.backgroundCheck = backgroundCheck
}//end of init
//read data here
[full struct data here][1]
}//end of struct
There's a number of issues here. First:
You've handled that with the prior statement, noting that you can also add
Second: You've got to handle optionals properly - if a var could be nil, you need code in place to handle that situation and not plow through it. If you force unwrap an optional you are essentially stating that for sure, it will never be nil, so basically, don't do that.
One fix could be to simply pass the snapshot as a DataSnapshot and then pull out the properties one at a time; if they exist, assign them, if not set to 0 or nil or some other placeholder.
Something like this inside the Firebase closure:
and then your struct like this: note we are leveraging the nil coalescing operator, ??