I am working on TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation) scripting language. I wanted to prepare on guideline checker for this code files.
For that I want to read lines of TTCN-3 script file( some thing like file.ttcn ) one by one into a buffer. But for me fopen / sopen / open / fgetc / fscanf are not able to work properly and are not reading the file correctly. It is giving NULL. Is there any way I can read characters of it into a buffer. I think C cannot read files with more than three extension characters (like .ttcn). Forgive me if my assumption is wrong.
My Environment is Turbo C on windows.
Yes I checked those errors also but they are giving unknown error for read() and no such file or directory exists.
My code is as follows
#include <errno.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int handle;
int status;
int i=0;
char ch;
FILE *fp;
char *buffer;
char *buf;
handle = sopen("c:\\tc\\bin\\hi.ttcn", O_BINARY, SH_DENYNONE, S_IREAD);
/here even I used O_TEXT and others/
if (!handle)
printf("sopen failed\n");
// exit(1);
printf("\nObtained string %s @",buf);
fp=fopen("c:\\tc\\bin\\hi.ttcn","r"); \\sorry for the old version of one slash
if(fp==NULL) \\I was doing it with argv[1] for opening
{ \\user given file name
printf("\nCannot open file");
printf("\ncharacter is %c %d",ch,ch);
i++; //Here I wanted to take characters into
ch=fgetc(fp); //buffer
return 0;
The most likely culprit is your Turbo C, an ancient compiler. It's techincally a DOS compiler, not Windows. That would limit it's RunTme Library to 8.3 filenames. Upgrade to something newer - Turbo C++ seems like a logical successor, but Microsoft's VC++ Express would work as well.
Your assumption is wrong about extensions. If fopen is returning NULL, you should output the result of strerror(errno) or use the perror() function to see why it failed.
Edit: The problem is probably because you have "c:\tc\bin\hi.ttcn". in C, "\t" is interpreted as tab, for example.
You could do
But this is extremely ugly, and your system should accept:
MS-DOS does not know about long file names, thos including files with extensions longer than 3 characters. Therefore, the CRT provided by Turbo C most probably does not look for the name you are providing, but a truncated one - or something else.
Windows conveniently provides a short (i.e. matching the 8.3 format, most of the time ending in ~1 unless you play with files having the same 8-character prefix) file name for those; one way to discover it is to open a console window and to run "dir /x" in the folder your file is stored.
Find the short name associated to your file and patch it into your C source file.
Edit: Darn, I'll read the comments next time. All credits to j_random_hacker.
Now that you've posted the code, another problem comes to light.
The following line:
Should instead read:
In C strings, the backslash (
) is an escape character that is used to encode special characters (e.g.\n
represents a newline character,\t
a tab character). To actually use a literal backslash, you need to double it. As it stands, the compiler is actually trying to open a file named"C:<tab>c<backspace>in\hi.ttcn"
-- needless to say, no such file exists!