I want to store a video in sqlite database. P.S. I do not want to store the path but the actual video contents. I have converted the video in byte array and stored byte array in sqlite database. Upon retrieval bytearray is being converted into File. But video is not playing. Please help.
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You can use this approach
When save the video, save it in app private storage folder.
This will give you the path to the app storage in
and it will be in internal storage.Where
will be your application package id. You can make a new folder here likeVideos
then save videos in this folder. Save its path in the DB. Only your app can access to this folder. No any other app or device user can access this folder. So no one can edit or delete your files except your application.Moreover if user reset mobile this data will be deleted as well as your database and maybe your app too in some cases. So no need to worry about it that your files will be deleted but database has still their path. If file deleted then DB deleted too as well but only when app
Uninstall, device reset
orSD card erase
.Unless the videos are very short and take up little space (say up to 200k each, perhaps 1/10th of a second but would depend upon the format it is saved in) then you would likely encounter issues and exceptions/crashes.
Although SQLite has the ability to store relative large BLOB's as per :-
The Android SDK's CursorWindow has a limitation of 2Mb and that is for all the columns of the row(s) if buffers. As such even if you can store Videos successfully, you may not be able to retrieve those Videos.
The recommended way is what you don't want, that is to store the path to the Video.
You would have the same issue with the database as it's typically stored within the Applications data which is protected. That is unless the database is a pre-existing database (i.e. populated with data), in which case the database is distributed with the App via the APK.
If the latter, a pre-existing database distributed via the APK, then the videos can also be distributed as part of the APK and hence as protected as and as exposable as the database.
If your intention is to distribute videos between devices that are not part of the APK then SQlite is probably not the correct solution as it's an embedded database and has no client/server functionality built in.
In such a scenario, the database would be as vulnerable as any other data, as that is all the database is, a file, just like a video, a word document etc which all need a suitable application to view/change the content. However, if the database is a pre-existing database, then simply re-installing the App would restore the database and other files from the APK.
Working Example
This uses the Suggested/Recommended method assuming the videos are to be distributed with the APK.
After creating new project 4 videos were downloaded and copied into the res/raw folder (after creating the raw folder) as per :-
The Database Helper (subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper) was created for a 2 column table an with - _id column (note named _id for use with SimpleCursorAdapter). - video_path for storing the path/name of the video (not the full path but sufficient to be able to determine the path from the data stored) - Note UNIQUE has been coded to stop duplicates being added.
With some basic method to allow rows to be added and deleted and for all rows to be extracted (via a Cursor for use with the SimpleCursorAdapter).
A pretty straigforward MainActivity.java (see comments)
When first started (nothing plays) :-
After long clicking the 1Mb video (deleting the DB entry) :-
After clicking A Video in the List :-