Thanks for the previous asked question(Creating and recognition of a vGPU device), I know that, to create a new VSI using GPU, I can use this rest api:
With payload json string.
My question is, what if I need a second disk when creating a vgpu device, how to add that information into the above payload json string?
To add second disks, you need to add the attribute ¨blockDevices¨ into the payload json, where you can put the size of the disk.
The GPU option to create a new VSI are ¨AC¨ and ¨ACL¨
• For the GPU ¨AC¨ the size of the disks are from 10 GB to 2.00 TB (SAN) and the attribute ¨localDiskFlag¨ must be ¨false¨ because the disk is SAN.
• The the GPU ¨ ACL¨ has to 2 options:
"ACL1_8X60X100", where the second and third disk has only the size 300 GB (LOCAL).
"ACL1_16X120X100", where the second and third disk has only the size 600 GB (LOCAL).
The attribute ¨localDiskFlag¨ must be "true" because the disk is LOCAL.
You can use this rest api example to create a VSI with the GPU ¨AC¨ option:
Method: POST
Body: Json
To create another VSI with the GPU ¨ACL¨ option, you can use this other rest api example changing the values mentioned above: