I try to change CheckBox background after user change its state to Checked. Code below doesn't work quite well. If i click unchecked checkbox its changes state and color to blue, when i click it again and uncheck, color stays blue instead changing to red. I did introduced call of invalidate() with no sucess. I confirmed that method recievies clicks and correctly sees checked status, but if statement i've made seems to work only once.
android:onClick="handleCheckBoxClick" />
public void handleCheckBoxClick(View view) {
CheckBox tmpChkBox = (CheckBox) findViewById(view.getId());
System.out.println(view.getId() + " " + tmpChkBox.isChecked());
switch (view.getId()) {
case R.id.chkLargeIcons:
What should i change in my code to make it work as i want?
Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.
First some explanation of one unclear aspect
Thing is that example colors mentioned in my code might be misleading if someone assume that i use android Color class. While i was using my versions of colors red and blue stored in color.xml and thats why I stated them in code as color.red instead of Color.RED.
So my code as same as listener code in other answer, both are valid if you assume that color is taken from android class.
Source of my problem is some strange glitch, or not known by me android behaviour that causes following code work faulty.
Precisely lines like this one
While execution of code gave me just one occurence of color change, then it just stayed like that, completly unresponsive. That one change was largely misleading and got me stuck on this problem long time, and even made me leave it for later fixing. After some more research i figured that following change in code fixes my issue:
Now all works like a charm. But I'm still puzzled why does call of color from resources works without getResources().getColor(...). Hopefully that answer will help someone as strangely stuck as me.
For it to change when checked you need to attach an OnCheckChangedListener. Then place the above code inside that.