I'm using Firebase's Cloud Firestore in an Android application for receiving product information. The Android client only reads from Firestore and never writes. Offline persistency is enabled. The product information is updated once a week.
I've received several reports of customers that claim that they still see outdated data even after I've changed the data in the cloud. These reports come in even days after the import so I guess their smartphone had an Internet connection in the meantime and it's not a connectivity issue.
The point is I could never reproduce this. I've checked the code a few times but don't see any error on my side. I'm reading from Firestore once when the view is rendered. I do not use snapshot listeners.
I know this is all very vague so I'm just asking if anyone else made the same experience with Firestore on Android with offline persistency enabled?
Version of the Firestore library is 17.1.5.