What is the preferred way of reloading functions defined in a Clojure file without having to restart the REPL. Right now, in order to use the updated file I have to:
- edit
- close the REPL
- open the REPL
(load-file "src/foo/bar.clj")
(use 'foo.bar)
In addition, (use 'foo.bar :reload-all)
does not result in required effect, which is evaluating the modified bodies of functions and returning new values, instead of behaving as the source haven't changed at all.
I use this in Lighttable (and the awesome instarepl) but it should be of use in other development tools. I was having the same problem with old definitions of functions and multimethods hanging around after reloads so now during development instead of declaring namespaces with:
I declare my namespaces like this:
Pretty ugly but whenever I re-evaluate the entire namespace (Cmd-Shift-Enter in Lighttable to get the new instarepl results of each expression), it blows away all old definitions and gives me a clean environment. I was tripped up every few days by old definitions before I started doing this and it has saved my sanity. :)
One liner based on papachan's answer: