Mouse cursor not moving in selenium python even af

2019-08-26 01:33发布

Cursor not moving in macbook: Mojave for Chrome browser version: 74.0.3729.169

First tried to use the built in functions

ActionChains(self.driver).move_by_offset(300, 400).perform()

ChromeDriver version: 74.0.3729.6

Followed the below link to handle cursor movement in mac, chrome.

Installed all the required software:

 pip3 install pyobjc-framework-Quartz, 
 pip3 install pyobjc-core, and then 
 pip3 install pyobjc
 pip3 install pyautogui

Tried to debug if pyautogui is installed successfully from shell by import python. It is not throwing any error. But following move commands are not having any impact

pyautogui.moveTo(100, 100, duration=0.25)

pyautogui.moveRel(100, 0, duration=0.25)

Trying to move the cursor on an element but no luck. Am i missing something or is there any bug with the versions?

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