At my work, I am required to follow the house style for indentation, which goes as follows:
- 2 spaces when coding html and ruby
- tabs when coding javascript, with tabwidth=4 recommended
What is the best way to specify different whitespace preferences per filetype?
To insert space characters whenever the tab key is pressed, set the 'expandtab' option:
Next step is to control the number of space characters that will be inserted when the tab key is pressed, set the 'tabstop' option. For example, to insert 2 space for a tab, use:
there are many ways, but here's a simple, easy to understand way. add these lines to your
:+1 to Peter's answer, but Vim provides another solution as well. If you want to do something more complicated than a single
, like setting up a whole bunch of options, commands, and mappings at once, then vim's filetype plugin feature comes to the rescue.You need to have
filetype plugin on
orfiletype plugin indent on
in your.vimrc
, and then to create a plugin for e.g. ruby you can create~/.vim/ftplugin/ruby.vim
. Technically you can use any commands you like in here, to be run when a Ruby file is loaded, but the recommended ones includesetlocal
,map <buffer>
,command -buffer
, and defining functions. Lots more information is in the User Guide; if you're pretty familiar with scripting vim then jump to:help 41.11
, otherwise read:help usr_40
and:help usr_41
.Peter's answer is straightforward enough, but unfortunately the options aren't right. You need to use the following options instead:
Also note:
:set list
command.There's also a nice vim script: DetectIndent which tries to detect the indentation of a file that you open. It's very handy if you work with many files with different coding style.
I use an autocommand in my .vimrc: