I know there are a lot of contributions already for this topic. I tried different variations with DispatchGroup, but it seems I'm not able to make the whole loop stop until a certain task is finished.
let names = ["peter", "susan", "john", "peter", "susan", "john"]
var holding = [String: [Double]]()
for i in 0...10 {
for name in names {
if holding[name] == nil {
Alamofire.request("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com", parameters: parameters).responseJSON { responseData in
// do stuff here
holding[name] = result
} else {
// do other stuff with existing "holding[name]"
// if if holding[name] == nil, the whole process should wait
If I´m using DispatchGroup, the Alamofire requests are executed one by one, but the the whole loop doesn't recognize if holding[name]
does already exist. So holding[name]
is always nil
because the loop doesn't wait.
Thank you very much!
According to Mikes´s and Versus´ answers, I tried the following:
var names = ["peter", "susan", "john", "peter", "susan", "john"]
var holding = [String: [Double]]()
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
for i in 0...10 {
DispatchQueue.global().async { [unowned self] in
for name in names {
if holding[name] != nil {
Alamofire.request("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com", parameters: parameters).responseJSON { responseData in
// do stuff here
holding[name] = result
} else {
// do other stuff with existing "holding[name]"
// if if holding[name] != nil, the wholeprocess should wait
But unfortunately the app crashes. What am I doing wrong?
You have two choice here
1 )
2 )
Operation Queues
But you should think twice before you go with
you need to be cautious about
may block Main Thread so all operation should be done inDispatch.global.async
Here you are block the main thread
The problem is that the completion handler gets executed in the main thread, which was already locked by the semaphore.wait() called initially. So when the completion occurs, semaphore.signal() never gets called
You must go with
Hope it is helpful to you and other
I think you can use DispatchSemaphore to stop the loop: