I am trying to create nodes in Drupal 7 using a php script I then execute using Drush.
While I am able to create a basic node with a title, I am not able to set the body for some reason.
I have tried two different approaches using different advice I found on other forums.
In the first case, setting node elements directly:
$node->title = 'Your node title';
$node->body[$node->language][0]['value'] = "<p>this is a test</p>";
$node->body[$node->language][0]['summary'] = "body summary;
$node->body[$node->language][0]['format'] = 'full_html';
In the second cases, using Entity Wrappers:
$node_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
$node_wrapper->body->set(array('value' => '<p>New content</p>', 'format' => 'full_html'));
In both cases I am saving the node like follows:
$node = node_submit($node);
And in both cases I get a new node published, but the body never gets set or displays.
How do I correctly set the body of a new node I am saving?
To create a node using a wrapper (requires entity module) try the code below:
In Сергей Филимонов's example, he doesn't call
(requires node->type), which sets some defaults (is commenting enabled, is the node promoted to the front page, sets the author, ...), so there are differences between the approaches.can be replaced with
Agree with Сергей and just wanted to add that node_object_prepare() should also be called:
And then set other values, title, body...
I see two problems here
If it's a new node use LANGUAGE_NONE or your site language.
For new object $node->language will be empty and you'll get notice:
This code works for me:
Always set correct node bundle type here $node->type. It's the machine name of node content type.
So go to admin/content page and take a look at row with your new node:
However you can try to load you node with node_load() function, print it with var_dump() and take a look at your fields, may be the problem with node output.