I wanted to replace the standard delete button in Smartgrid. Here's what I attempted to do:
def list_service_types():
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.service_types
, fields = [db.service_types.type_name, db.services.service_name]
, ondelete = ondelete_service_type
, links = [lambda row: A('Delete', _href='#', _glyph="icon-trash", _class="button btn btn-secondary", )]
return locals()
1) I can't get the icon-trash glyph/icon to display
2) How do I position the new button at the end of the row, eventually replacing the standard delete button
Edit 1
I managed to make the glyph show with the following links
, links = [lambda row: A('Delete', _href='#', _class="button btn btn-secondary icon trash icon-trash glyphicon glyphicon-trash", )]
but the font and spacing are off. I can see from the page source that <span>
tags must be in place, like the following:
<span class="icon trash icon-trash glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>
but I dont know how to proceed.