I am facing a crash on iOS 6.0. I have a view controller from which I present a navigation view controller modally and then from the navigation stack I present another view controller modally and finally to dismiss the whole modal stack I pass the following message to my first view controller from where I showed the navigation controller.
Now this works fine on iOS below 6.0. How should I handle this?
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
I had this similar crash as well and one of the things helped me solve it was adding:
vc.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
maybe because dismissModalViewController is deprecated in iOS6? Try
EDIT: Lets say you add a method to appDelegate called 'makeMeNumberOne:(UIViewController *)vc': (I know you use the 'modal' versions, they are deprecated in iOS6, switch to 'presented' variants) . Also I assume you can find the navigationController, if this is a problem add a comment I'll further expand this, and assume you are using ARC.)
the parameter you have is a strong reference, it holds the current presented viewController, lets call it pvc
ask the navigationController for its viewControllers, and get the last one
as a debugging tool, verify that this vc has a non-nil presentedViewController property
message the last view controller above:
[lastOne dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{ [navigationController.viewControllers = @[pvc]; }];