Good evening everyone,
this moment I try to work with HighChart / HighStock and after several weeks I were able to display my MySQL-data in the charts. But: I always want more.
Well, I try to reach a dynamic chart which is refreshing like the examples you may know from the website.
I used the sample code as a guide. It doesn't work, but think the problem is the missing y-axis because y-axis data come from my MySQL database while x-axis should be the current time.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>POS RESULT</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
include "config.php";
$SQL1 = "SELECT * FROM Prices WHERE ticker ='FB'";
$result1 = mysql_query($SQL1);
$data1 = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
$data1[] = $row['Close'];
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var chart;
$(document).ready(function() {
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'line',
marginRight: 130,
marginBottom: 25,
events: {
load: function()
var series = this.series[0];
setInterval(function() {
var x = (new Date()).getTime();
series.addPoint([x], true);
}, 1000);
title: {
text: 'Monthly Average Temperature',
x: -20 //center
subtitle: {
text: 'Source:',
x: -20
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
tickPixelInterval: 150
//categories: [<?php echo join(',', $data2); ?>],
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Temperature (°C)'
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+
this.x +': '+ this.y +'°C';
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'top',
x: -10,
y: 100,
borderWidth: 0
series: [{
name: 'Tokyo',
data: [<?php echo join(',', $data1); ?>]
<div id="container" style="min-width: 500px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
The passage I am talking about and which is shown in the samples is
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'spline',
marginRight: 10,
events: {
load: function() {
// set up the updating of the chart each second
var series = this.series[0];
setInterval(function() {
var x = (new Date()).getTime(), // current time
y = Math.random();
series.addPoint([x, y], true, true);
}, 1000);
But, as I already wrote, I don't need a random y-axis, just x-axis.
Maybe you can help. Thanks for your help.
Edit: live-server-data.php
// Set the JSON header
header("Content-type: text/json");
include "config.php";
$SQL1 = "SELECT * FROM Prices WHERE Ticker ='TSLA'";
$result1 = mysql_query($SQL1);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
$data1[] = $row['Close'];
// The x value is the current JavaScript time, which is the Unix time multiplied
// by 1000.
$x = time() * 1000;
// The y value is a random number
$y = $data1;
// Create a PHP array and echo it as JSON
$ret = array($x, $y);
echo json_encode($ret);
The value "Close" is decimal 24,4.
im trying to create another page that can relate to my bar chart. You can go through his code. It work for me
And this the code for fetching data from mysql
See that solution: