CropActivity is not starting in onActivityResult i

2019-08-24 20:52发布

I am calling an intent to select an image and later to crop the image into aspect ratio(1,1), but when i run the app the gallery is opening but when i select the image it closes and gets back to the Fragment.

Below is the code of my Button's on click listener

    mImageBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {

            Intent galleryIntent = new Intent();


this is the code for onActivityResult

   public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent 
   data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if(requestCode == GALLERY_PICK && resultCode == RESULT_OK){

        Uri imageUri = data.getData();

                .setAspectRatio(1, 1)
                .setMinCropWindowSize(500, 500)

        Toast.makeText(SettingsActivity.this, imageUri, 

  public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) 
  if (requestCode == CropImage.CROP_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE) {
 CropImage.ActivityResult result = CropImage.getActivityResult(data);
 if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
  Uri resultUri = result.getUri();
   } else if (resultCode == CropImage.CROP_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ERROR_CODE) 
  Exception error = result.getError();

Crop activity is not starting and the app goes back to the fragment screen when i select the pic

Below is the code of MainActivity where i have used bottom navigation view and used OnActivity result as well

  private void showPlacePicker() {
    PlacePicker.IntentBuilder builder = new PlacePicker.IntentBuilder();
    try {
        startActivityForResult(, PLACE_PICKER_REQUEST);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, e.getStackTrace().toString());

   public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent 
   data) {
    if (requestCode == PLACE_PICKER_REQUEST) {
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

2楼-- · 2019-08-24 21:02

I have used this library in one of my projects and in that I didn't explicitly create a image picker but instead let the library handle it for me. To do this, in your code

mImageBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {

            .setAspectRatio(1, 1)
            .setMinCropWindowSize(500, 500)

Handle the result:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == CropImage.CROP_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE) {
        CropImage.ActivityResult result = CropImage.getActivityResult(data);

        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

            Uri imageUri = result.getUri();
            //handle the image

        } else if (resultCode == CropImage.CROP_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ERROR_CODE) {
            //handle error

        } else if(resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED){
          //handle cancel case

For more information

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3楼-- · 2019-08-24 21:08

In case of using appcompact fragment we cannot use .start(getActivity()) to start the crop activity. Instead of this use:

.start(getContext(), this)

Here is code look like in fragments:

CropImage.activity(uri).setGuidelines(CropImageView.Guidelines.ON).start(getContext(), this);
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