I'm new to PCL and I'm trying to do this tutorialhere. The problem is that I can compile it, but when I run this, it give me an error: *exception at 0x000007fefd27940d in pcl_VFHexperiment.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: pcl::IOException at memory location 0x001cf0e0*
I guess the problem is that mls. process function doesn't work correctly and the operation of file saving provides an error. Could be the input file the problem? I use ism_test_cat.pcd file found here. I don't know where the file suggested in the tutorial is. How should the input file be? Anyway I can see ism_test_cat.pcd file in the viewer following the other tutorial.
How to solve? Please help me. I use VS2010, PCL 1.6, all 64bit
Thanks in advance a lots
"You should be able to find the input file at pcl/test/bun0.pcd." It says in the tutorial.