Hello i'm using Google Charts Plugin to my CakePHP application.
In my Controller i do: There are two functions that return two graphs.
function statistics() {
FUNCTION timePerProject
function timePerProjectChart() {
$totalProjeto = $this->timePerProject();
$tempoTotalGasto = $this->tempoTotalInvestido();
//Setup data for chart
$timePerProjectChart = new GoogleChart();
$timePerProjectChart->options(array('title' => "Percentagem de Tempo (horas) investido por Projeto"));
//Each column key should correspond to a field in your data array
'projects' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'label' => 'Projeto'
'tempoGasto' => array(
'type' => 'time',
'label' => '% horas'
//You can also use this way to loop through data and creates data rows:
foreach ($totalProjeto as $row) {
$percentagemTempoGasto = ($this->timeToHour($row[0]['tempogasto']) / $tempoTotalGasto[0][0]['tempogasto']) * 100;
$timePerProjectChart->addRow(array('tempoGasto' => $percentagemTempoGasto, 'projects' => $row['Project']['pname']));
//Set the chart for your view
$this->set('timePerProjectChart', $timePerProjectChart);
In my view (statistics) i do :
<div id="chart_div" ><?php $this->GoogleChart->createJsChart($timePerProjectChart);
but I just can not see a single graph. I tested (individually) each and are functioning. I'll wish to put multiple charts on the same view.
Is it possible?
What is happening in your statistics action in your controller?
is an object.There are a couple steps required to use the plugin: '
Get data. Use a find or other model method to get the data you want.
Set up the chart:
$chart->options(array('title' => "Recent Scores"));
$chart->columns(array( //Each column key should correspond to a field in your data array 'event_date' => array( //Tells the chart what type of data this is 'type' => 'string',
//The chart label for this column
'label' => 'Date' ), 'score' => array( 'type' => 'number', 'label' => 'Score' ) ));
Add rows to your chart by looping through data, an example is given below
foreach($model as $round){ $chart->addRow($round['Round']); }
Set the chart for your view- this is the same name that must be then called in
<div id="chart_div"><?php $this->GoogleChart->createJsChart($chart);?></div>
in the view.$this->set(compact('chart'));
To display more than one chart in a single view, you need to not just use the default
as the id of your div. You need to set two different divs and update the objects accordingly:set