I'm trying to read an unsolicited data stream from my Bluetooth device. The data should appear as a byte array. Unfortunately, the UUID I'm supplying doesn't seem to be the correct one. What could be going wrong?
val stringDeviceUUID = rxBleDevice.bluetoothDevice.uuids[0].toString()
val charUUID = UUID.fromString(stringDeviceUUID)
println("$stringDeviceUUID = $charUUID?")
/* If device if it is not already connected... */
if (rxBleDevice.connectionState != RxBleConnection.RxBleConnectionState.CONNECTED) {
/* Establish connection to device */
device !!.establishConnection(false) ?
.doOnNext {
_ -> Log.d("Device: ", "Connection Established")
} ?
.flatMapSingle {
rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.readCharacteristic(charUUID)
} ? .subscribe({
count ->
// count should be in bytes
println("OUTPUT: $count")
}, {
throwable ->
Log.d("Device: ", "$throwable")
I get the following error:
D/Device:: com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleCharacteristicNotFoundException: Characteristic not found with UUID 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
What is wrong with this UUID? This is precisely the UUID I retrieve from the device so why won't it let me communicate?
It can't be seen from your code snippet, but are
the same RxAndroidBle instance? If not, perhaps replacedevice !!.establishConnection(false)