I want to amend a PHP script I'm using in wordPress (Auto Featured Image plugin).
The problem is that this script creates filenames for thumbnails based on the URLs of the image.
That sounds great until you get a filename with spaces and the thumbnail is something like this%20Thumbnail.jpg
and when the browser goes to http://www.whatever.com/this%20Thumbnail.jpg
it converts the %20
to a space and there is no filename on the server by that name (with spaces).
To fix this, I think I need to change the following line in such a way that $imageURL is filtered to convert %20
to spaces. Sound right?
Here is the code. Perhaps you can tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Thank you!
static function create_post_attachment_from_url($imageUrl = null)
if(is_null($imageUrl)) return null;
// get file name
$filename = substr($imageUrl, (strrpos($imageUrl, '/'))+1);
if (!(($uploads = wp_upload_dir(current_time('mysql')) ) && false === $uploads['error'])) {
return null;
// Generate unique file name
$filename = wp_unique_filename( $uploads['path'], $filename );
You better to replace the spaces in image name with underscores or hypens using regexp.
This regex will replace multiple spaces (%20) with a single space(' ').
Edited to a more appropriate and complete answer: