This is the content of the excel file:
"Windows Excel","AndroMoney","20140227"
"Id","Valuta","Importo","Categoria","Sottocategoria","Data","Spese(Trasferimento Out)","Entrate(Trasferimento In)","Note","Periodicita'","Progetto","Pagatore/Beneficiario","uid"
"20","EUR","-2662.9","SYSTEM","INIT_AMOUNT","10100101","","Credit Card","","","","","117EUR-2662.9_26_102"
"960","EUR","0","SYSTEM","INIT_AMOUNT","10100101","","Bank austria","","","","","265C6BD548CE41FEA0250BF4E19C392F"
And here is how Excel shows its content:
In another post they say it's due to the usage of the , instead of ;
Is it possible to solve the problem without changing Operating System settings?
In Excel 2010 and newer csv files are read correctly. In older versions you need to specify a separator during import in text import wizard.
You can select column
and go to Data - Text to Columns. Then use delimited and define,
as the delimiter. This will delimit the data and show it correctly.If you're asking how to make it delimit based on the comma when you open it, I didn't read the question that way. But instead of double-clicking the file to open, go to the Data tab and Get External Data from it, defining the delimiter.
I use a trick.
Change the extencion from CSV to TXT, the open the file with excel, define , as the delimitator character