i find this link, http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Algorithms/Q_25205171.html, which suggests a way to do postorder tail recursion. however, it uses 2 stacks, is there a way to do this with only one stack. thanks!
below is the java code pasted from the link above:
public static final <T> void postorder(Tree<T> root) {
Stack<Tree<T>> stack = new Stack<Tree<T>>();
Stack<Tree<T>> traversal = new Stack<Tree<T>>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Tree<T> node = stack.pop();
if (node.right != null)
if (node.left != null) {
while (!traversal.isEmpty()) {
Yes, but the code needs to be structured differently. A proper stack-based simulation of a recursive algorithm should keep a node on the stack until the node and its children have been completely traversed. The stack should contain instances of a class that contains information about how many children have been traversed, say:
(using public fields for simplicity). Whenever you push a node onto the stack, push a
that refers to that node and wherenumTraversedChildren
is 0. In the top of the loop, peek (don't pop) the stack to find the top element. If and only ifnumTraversedChildren == 2
, you know that all children of this node have been traversed. In that case, you can process (in your case, print) that node and then pop it. Otherwise, keep the node on the stack, incrementnumTraversedChildren
, and push either its left child (if the old value ofnumTraversedChildren
was 0) or its right child (if the old value ofnumTraversedChildren
was 1).Note that when this approach is followed, the
loop and the push/pop operations on the stack are effectively simulating function calls: a push is a call, a pop is a return, and the stack maintains all parameters and local variables for each function invocation. The element at the top of the stack always represents the function that is currently executing.