CRM 2016 Quick Find View not finding active record

2019-08-24 05:47发布

We are having a bizarre issue with our 2016 on-premise CRM Quick Find View. Basically, we are not able to use Quick Find View to search for some active records (incidents to be exact).

When we go to the incident's All Active Incidents view and use the search bar (which uses Quick Find View), we are able to search for some active records, yet are unable to search for some others.

We have configured the incident's Quick Find View to search in columns such as ticket number and title. I have compared two such records (one returning and one non-returning) together side-by-side in the SQL Management Studio, and all seems OK.

At first I thought the columns we are searching in might have invalid characters in them for the non-returning record. But that is not the case.

Also, the column names are selected in the Add Find Columns configuration of the Quick Find View. So that's not the cause either.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

2楼-- · 2019-08-24 06:27

Upon more investigation, we realised that any case and query record created on or after a certain date could not be searched for. Any other record created before that date could be searched for.

We don't know what exactly happened to the CRM SQL database server on that date, however we decided to restart the SQL services on the server and it seems to have resolved the issue. All case and query records are now searchable.

We are still trying to find what caused the issue. I will update this answer as soon as we find the cause so that it might help others.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

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