I need to list all of the activities delivered in a baseline but need any deliver and rebase activities expanded.
I have tried a script to read the lines and do an "lsact -contrib" but some of the deliveries contain nested deliveries and I have become confused. It would be useful if I could also have the date of the activity as well.
I have tried experimenting with "-fmt" but with disappointing results.
The reason is that the management want to identify all activities in a baseline that contain a keyword. Currently this fails if the activity is part of a deliver oporation.
Has anyone come across a simliar requirement and if so how have they resolved it?
IBM have come up with big fat Zero, so I am looking to you gurus and wizards to give me inspiration.
No I didn't see that kind of requirement before.
Note that if an activity is part of a deliver, you will end up with a "deliver.xxx" activity in the destination Stream, with only one comment associated with that deliver (losing all the comments associated with the initial activities delivered)
So you need indeed to use
lsact -contrib
, following the technote "swg21136012: Activities delivered since the last baseline"Combining that with
option you mentioned) will allow you, for each activity, to display only what is of interest (the Activity id and its comment, in order to grep for your keyword).