I'm working on a Bukkit Plugin (Minecraft Server-side). The plugin allows for players to send messages back and forth to each other. I am working on a web interface as well. In order to view their 'inbox' they must first login from a password the can set in-game.
This password isn't stored raw, it is converted into a long string of unicode values, then broken up into pieces, each converted to hex and appended to a different string.
Java version
//This isn't the best method, I know, but it's still going to take a genius to crack it.
//The resulting number (before somewhat converted to hex) is really
//long, there isn't an easy way of knowing the sequence of characters.
//This conversion is much different than straight up converting to hex,
//as PHP has certain limitations
public static String encodePassword(String password) {
String longNumber = "";
for(int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) {
longNumber += ((int) password.charAt(i));
//System.out.println("long = " + longNumber);
String result = "";
int splitLength = 5;
int iterations = longNumber.length() / splitLength;
if(longNumber.length() % splitLength > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
int start = splitLength * i;
if(longNumber.length() - start <= splitLength) {
String sub = longNumber.substring(start);
result += Integer.toHexString(Integer.parseInt(sub));
String sub = longNumber.substring(start, start + splitLength);
result += Integer.toHexString(Integer.parseInt(sub));
return result;
PHP version
function encodePassword($pw){
$unicode = "";
for($i=0; $i<strlen($pw); $i++){
$char = $pw{$i};
$val = unicode_value($char);
$unicode = $unicode.$val;
$result = "";
$splitLength = 5;
$iterations = strlen($unicode) / $splitLength;
if(strlen($unicode) % $splitLength > 0)
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
$start = $splitLength * $i;
if(strlen($unicode) - $start <= $splitLength) {
$sub = substr($unicode, $start);
$result = $result.base_convert($sub, 10, 16);
$sub = substr($unicode, $start, $splitLength);
$result = $result.base_convert($sub, 10, 16);
return $result;
If I 'encode' the password "partychat" (the name of the plugin, it has a group chat functionality as well) I get 2c212c93ef23163a91bcc
in Java, and 2c212c93ef23163a91bcc0
(same except for trailing 0) in PHP. Anything I'm doing wrong?
Note: This doesn't always happen, most 'encoding' works fine, but for some reason this case occurs sometimes
Why do you even want this, I would just use a hash of the userpassword like: This stackoverflow question about SHA-256, I know its not solving your issue, but it is way more secure not to invent your own encryptionstandard :)