Say I have a list of PROLOG facts, which are Blog Post titles, the author, and the year they were written:
blogpost('Title 1', 'author1' 2012).
blogpost('Title 2', 'author1', 2011).
blogpost('Title 3', 'author1' 2010).
blogpost('Title 4', 'author1', 2006).
blogpost('Title 5', 'author2' 2009).
blogpost('Title 6', 'author2', 2011).
I want to write a rule which has two parameters/inputs, the author, and the year. If the author entered has written an article after the specified year, PROLOG would return true
Here is what I have tried:
authoredAfter(X,Z) :-
So if I queried ?- authoredAfter('author1',2010).
PROLOG would return true
because the Author has written an article in 2010. However, if I query ?- authoredAfter('author1',2009).
, it would return false
, but I want it to return true
because author1 has written an article after that year.
My question is, how do I compare the user input value to the value in the fact?
You need two use two distinct variables for the year of the article and for the year you want to start your search from and compare them. Something like this:
You express the fact that
if there is a blog post written byAuthor
andYear2 >= Year1
.If you issue a query to see if author1 wrote anything after 2009:
the goal is satisfied three times as author1 has 3 blog posts after 2009 (2010, 2011, 2012). If you want to get a single answer, no matter how many such articles exist, you can use