In my app i support only portrait mode and use UINavigationController
as RootViewController
. But when i am playing movie using MPMoviePlayerController
and Player is Fullscreen than i want it to support both landscape
mode Also.
Does this using this great code by @ChrisBallinger this in iOS6 but its not working in iOS5
After long search on google i am not able to find the solution so posted here. Please help with this problem.
I have also tried to subclassing the navigationcontroller
and set the Rotate code it found here but no luck.
My sandbox app:
The solution is easy:
in interface (h file) :
in implementation (m file): 1. rewrite
2 call [self setup]
what you will have to do is...
first implement notification in viewdidload method like below...
Now implement that rotate method like below..
let me know it is working or not!!!
Happy Coding!!!