Im currently making a html5 multiplayer game with My problem is that i can only move my character in a straight line, while i also want to be able to move diagonal across my canvas. What i mean by this is if i press the 'a' and 'd' key, my character moves diagonally to the bottom right. With my current code my character only moves to the right or down.
//client, how i capture my keyboard input.
document.onkeydown = function(event){
console.log(`Keycode: ${event.which}`);
if(event.which == 68 || event.which == 39) //d of pijl rechts
sock.emit('keyPress', 'right');
else if(event.which == 83 || event.which == 40) //s of pijl naar beneden
else if(event.which == 65 || event.which == 37) //a of pijl naar links
else if(event.which == 87 || event.which == 38) // w of pijl naar omhoog
sock.on('keyPress', (keypress) => {
var currentUser = this[];
if (keypress == 'up') {
currentUser.y = currentUser.y - currentUser.speed;
else if (keypress == 'down') {
currentUser.y = currentUser.y + currentUser.speed;
else if (keypress == 'left') {
currentUser.x = currentUser.x - currentUser.speed;
else if (keypress == 'right') {
currentUser.x = currentUser.x + currentUser.speed;
io.emit('update-players', Users);
//client, how all players are drawn onto to canvas
sock.on('update-players', updatePlayers);
var updatePlayers= (Users) => {
Users.forEach((user) => {
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'Images/player.png';
ctx.font = "20px Courier New";
ctx.fillText(`${}`,user.x,(user.y - 10))
sorry for my crappy english.
When we press two keys on the keyboard and hold them down, only the last key pressed gets repeated events in the keydown listener. So, for example, if you press DOWN and RIGHT "at the same time", only one will be repeatedly reported to the listener and the other will be ignored.
A better approach is to have listeners for the keydown and keydown events, like this:
So we basically have a boolean variable for each direction. You should send that information (keyStates) to the server and it should do the math based on which keys are down.