Here is my question. I have an appwidget which works perfectly in a portrait screen orientation. However, When i changed my screen orientation to landscape my appWidget's width and height changing automatically by the home screen launcher and the problem is in landscape mode my widget's height is not set properly by the homescreen launcher. So, I need to detect is screen orientation changed and re-size my appwidget. I've googled it but still i don't have any idea how can i do that. If it was an activity it was simple but it's not. I'll be gratefull if anyone has idea about this.
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Define bools.xml in both values-port and values-land
In values-port/bools.xml
In values-land/bools.xml
Get boolean by Context.getResources() in code
When the screen orientation changes your AppWidgetProvider onUpdate method gets called. You can use the following function to get if you are in portrait or landscape mode and then update your remote views based on that.
Hope this helps.