I have a situation where the following occurs:
- I have an avatar that has three possible coding challenges
- a) you can click on the avatar's face to open a debug console
- b) you can click on a speaker or mic icon to turn on/off
- c) you can click between the icons and MOVE the avatar
There is a HANDLE CLICK(event) for each item above (a, b, and c) What's happening and I solved this, is that the handle-clicks interfere with each other which I solved with this code:
if (event.target.id !== "moveableavatar") {
} else {
console.log("Event SHOW DEBUG: ", event);
... I do something here... no worries
public avatarMoveClick(event: any) {
if (event.target.id !== "iconscont") {
} else {
console.log("AvatarMoveCLICK EVENT: ", event);
//Capture move event
... I do something here... no worries
if (event.target.id !== "mic" && event.target.id !== "spkr") {
} else {
console.log("AvatarMoveCLICK EVENT: ", event);
//Capture move event
... I do something here... no worries
This is placed in three sections: When you click on MIC, SPEAKER or the FACE of the avatar. I can only click and DRAG when you put your mouse "BETWEEN" the MIC and SPEAKER... which is fine but wonky and doesn't look professional.
I'm using Angular 5 and ngDraggable which is GREAT!
<div class="moveableavatar">
<img src="avatarimg.png" alt="" />
then, right next to it is the chat window... yes, we are using voice commands...
<div class="moveablechatwindow">
<i src="avatarimg.png" alt=""></i>
<div class="userspeaks">Applications</div>
<i src="avatarimg.png" alt=""></i>
<div class="avatarresponds"></div>
Here's the results of the dumbed down code above
OK, so all that code above (HTML) is wrapped in the
<app-avatar></app-avatar> for angular
What I want to Accomplish:
I want to user to freely click and drag ANYWHERE but NOT interfere with the MIC and SPEAKER handle-click(events) which are simple this:
which TURNS OFF the mic and speaker respectively and vice versa
Also, when I CLICK and DRAG on the avatar's face, the DEBUG CONSOLE OPENS which is what I don't want to do, which is what I solved with the initial code above.
This needs to be a simple, easy solution so when the user does something it's intuitive and not confusion. My boss says "We can do better..." I agree.
Finally, when I do, in fact, move the avatar, I want to the chatbox to MOVE with the avatar... keeping just like it is in the image. The thing is the chatbox fades after 5 secs but doesn't go away.
Here's my code for "trying" to handle moving the two in tandem.
trans, the argument, equals: "translate(0px,0px)"
private calcChatBotPos(trans: string) {
let re = /[^0-9\-.,]/g;
let matrix = trans.replace(re, '').split(',');
let x = matrix[0];
let y = matrix[1];
console.log("xTrans: " + x + "px");
console.log("yTrans: " + y + "px");
let avatarstart = "translate(0px, 0px)"; //This is the base
let matrixstart = avatarstart.replace(re, '').split(',');
let avatarstartx = matrixstart[0];
let avatarstarty = matrixstart[1];
console.log("avatarXtrans: " + avatarstartx + "px");
console.log("avatarYtrans: " + avatarstarty + "px");
let newX = String(+x + +avatarstartx);
let newY = String(+y + +avatarstarty);
newX = String(newX) + "px";
newY = String(newY) + "px";
if (trans !== "translate(0px,0px)") {
this.transformXY = false;
this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform.newxy = "translate(" + newX + "," + newY + ")";
console.log("Inside IF...." + "translate(" + newX + "," + newY + ")");
} else {
this.transformXY = true;
this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform.orgxy = "translate(0px,50px)";
console.log("Inside ELSE...." + this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform.orgxy);
The last problem is that the this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform will not change and STAYS "translate(0px,0px)" no matter what I do.
this.css.... is from here:
css = {
moveableWrapper: {
transform: {
newxy: "",
orgxy: ""
I know, this is ugly, but I'll fix it later.
If I missed something or misspelled something, forgive me.
I solved my issues with this question which I also answered myself.
How to use, dragstart, dragend, click, mouseup, mousedown with three divs together and keep them all separate but equal