How to keep two divs close together if you move on

2019-08-23 20:44发布

I have a situation where the following occurs:

  1. I have an avatar that has three possible coding challenges
  2. a) you can click on the avatar's face to open a debug console
  3. b) you can click on a speaker or mic icon to turn on/off
  4. c) you can click between the icons and MOVE the avatar


There is a HANDLE CLICK(event) for each item above (a, b, and c) What's happening and I solved this, is that the handle-clicks interfere with each other which I solved with this code:


if ( !== "moveableavatar") {
} else {
  console.log("Event SHOW DEBUG: ", event);
  ... I do something here... no worries


public avatarMoveClick(event: any) {

if ( !== "iconscont") {
} else {

  console.log("AvatarMoveCLICK EVENT: ", event);
  //Capture move event
  ... I do something here... no worries



if ( !== "mic" && !== "spkr") {
} else {
  console.log("AvatarMoveCLICK EVENT: ", event);
  //Capture move event
  ... I do something here... no worries

This is placed in three sections: When you click on MIC, SPEAKER or the FACE of the avatar. I can only click and DRAG when you put your mouse "BETWEEN" the MIC and SPEAKER... which is fine but wonky and doesn't look professional.

Avatar with Mic and Speaker Icons

Phantom image when trying to DRAG where the drag handle doesn't exist

I'm using Angular 5 and ngDraggable which is GREAT!

<div class="moveableavatar">
     <img src="avatarimg.png" alt="" />

then, right next to it is the chat window... yes, we are using voice commands...

<div class="moveablechatwindow">
     <i src="avatarimg.png" alt=""></i>
   <div class="userspeaks">Applications</div>
     <i src="avatarimg.png" alt=""></i>
   <div class="avatarresponds"></div>

Here's the results of the dumbed down code above

Avatar with Chatwindow side by side.

OK, so all that code above (HTML) is wrapped in the

<app-avatar></app-avatar> for angular

What I want to Accomplish:

I want to user to freely click and drag ANYWHERE but NOT interfere with the MIC and SPEAKER handle-click(events) which are simple this:




which TURNS OFF the mic and speaker respectively and vice versa

Also, when I CLICK and DRAG on the avatar's face, the DEBUG CONSOLE OPENS which is what I don't want to do, which is what I solved with the initial code above.

This needs to be a simple, easy solution so when the user does something it's intuitive and not confusion. My boss says "We can do better..." I agree.

Finally, when I do, in fact, move the avatar, I want to the chatbox to MOVE with the avatar... keeping just like it is in the image. The thing is the chatbox fades after 5 secs but doesn't go away.

Here's my code for "trying" to handle moving the two in tandem.

trans, the argument, equals: "translate(0px,0px)"

private calcChatBotPos(trans: string) {

  let re = /[^0-9\-.,]/g;
  let matrix = trans.replace(re, '').split(',');
  let x = matrix[0];
  let y = matrix[1];

  console.log("xTrans: " + x + "px");
  console.log("yTrans: " + y + "px");

  let avatarstart = "translate(0px, 0px)";  //This is the base
  let matrixstart = avatarstart.replace(re, '').split(',');
  let avatarstartx = matrixstart[0];
  let avatarstarty = matrixstart[1];

  console.log("avatarXtrans: " + avatarstartx + "px");
  console.log("avatarYtrans: " + avatarstarty + "px");

  let newX = String(+x + +avatarstartx);
  let newY = String(+y + +avatarstarty);

  newX = String(newX) + "px";
  newY = String(newY) + "px";

  if (trans !== "translate(0px,0px)") {
    this.transformXY = false;
    this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform.newxy = "translate(" + newX + "," + newY + ")";
    console.log("Inside IF...." + "translate(" + newX + "," + newY + ")");
  } else {
    this.transformXY = true;
    this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform.orgxy = "translate(0px,50px)";
    console.log("Inside ELSE...." + this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform.orgxy);


The last problem is that the this.css.moveablechatwindow.transform will not change and STAYS "translate(0px,0px)" no matter what I do.

this.css.... is from here:

css = {
  moveableWrapper: {
    transform: {
      newxy: "",
      orgxy: ""

I know, this is ugly, but I'll fix it later.

If I missed something or misspelled something, forgive me.

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