My table structure looks similiar to this
Customer_id Country item_type Order_Size Dates Codes
A401 US Fruit Small 3/14/2016 11
A401 US Fruit Big 5/22/2016 12
A401 US Vegetable Small 7/12/2016 11
B509 US Vegetable Small 3/25/2015 92
B509 US Vegetable Big 3/15/2014 11
B509 US Vegetable Small 3/1/2014 34
A402 CA Fruit Small 3/14/2016 56
A402 CA Fruit Big 5/22/2016 76
A402 CA Fruit Small 7/12/2016 85
A403 CA Vegetable Small 7/12/2016 11
A403 CA Vegetable Small 3/25/2015 16
A403 CA Vegetable Big 3/15/2014 17
A403 CA Vegetable Small 3/1/2014 12
I am looking for each country how many repeated customers for each item_type are present only after they purchased Order_size =Big and only items purchased with order_size<>Big. To achieve this I wrote this code.
SELECT Country,item_type,count(customer_id) from
(select Country,customer_id, t.item_type, count(*) as REPEATS
from (select t.*,
min(case when Order_Size = 'Big' then dates end) over (partition by customer_id, item_type) as min_big
from data_test as t
) t
where dates > min_big
group by 1,2,3) D
group by 1,2
Country item_type Count(Distinct(Customer_id))
CA Vegetable 1
US Vegetable 1
CA Fruit 1
This works now but I wanted to add one more condition as to only when the codes are within certain table with condition so I wanted to add multiple conditions with one being subquery with the case when I modified my code.
SELECT Country,item_type,count(customer_id) from
(select Country,customer_id, t.item_type, count(*) as REPEATS
from (select t.*,
min(case when (Order_Size = 'Big' and Codes IN (SELECT CODES from table1 where type='TRUE' group by 1)) then dates end) over (partition by customer_id, item_type) as min_big
from data_test as t
) t
where dates > min_big
group by 1,2,3) D
group by 1,2
This is throwing an error - Illegal expression in When clause within case statement. I also read that you cant use subquery within case and also use of IN. I have read many other questions related to this but I am still not clear as to how I can avoid using subquery in case. How do I change my code which does not throw error and also could be processed fast as my table is very large?
You can change your code to connect to the table that drives the answer to "is this code supposed to be included" before the other rules. Be sure to do an outer join to a dataset that is distinct on the code field to prevent dupes.
This approach includes the result of your conditional before all the other rules and won't raise an error. Below I created a volatile table with a unique primary index on the code to do this but you could join to a derived table and get a similar result.