I have MySQL and Sphinx installed and working properly on a LNMP server. Now I'd like to integrate a Sphinx sub-query into an existing MySQL query.
SELECT * FROM mysql_table
JOIN (SELECT id FROM sphinx_index MATCH ('keyword')) AS match_table
ON match_table.id = mysql_table.id
Is this possible? If not, should I do the Sphinx separately and then use WHERE IN
in the MySQL query, or will this kill the extra efficiency I'm getting from Sphinx?
It seems I found the answer on another SO question:
Integrating Sphinx to MySQL
From reading this, it looks like Sphinx and MySQL are not as integrated as I had hoped. They need to be used on separate connections, so you can't combine queries. Oh well...
Use SphinxSE http://sphinxsearch.com/docs/current.html#sphinxse-overview
Then would be
is shorter and more concise. And better maintains the order of results.
Where 'sphinx_index' is a SphinxSE table, which points to underlying sphinx index.