how to implement jpa data criteria builder with CA

2019-08-23 07:20发布

We are implementing data sort with the jpa data on one of the columns and our code is -

 public Predicate toPredicate(Root<UpgradeFile> uf, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {

 if (sortAttr != null && sortAttr.equals("version")) {
    if (sortOrder == 1) { //asc order

    } else if (sortOrder == 2) { //desc order


our version column is in string and has values like "" , "". As column is in string sorting does not work properly so we are required to cast it as numeric after removing "." for example -

order by ( CAST(               
                replace(version, '.', '')           
       AS numeric) ) asc;

My question is how can we incorporate this query in the above jpa code in either orderby or in criteriabuilder.

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