I have an PlayFramework App developed using Scala running on Heroku; I only mention the development language and framework because any posts I've found regarding this issue relate to PHP! I have http and https running on a custom domain but I would like to force http requests to be redirect to https.
I've found that I need to update the .htaccess file with the following:
##Force SSL
#Normal way (in case you need to deploy to NON-heroku)
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
#Heroku way
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
#If neither above conditions are met, redirect to https
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
But I am not sure if it is possible or how to set up the .htaccess file using Play and Scala.
Please can someone advise? Thanks.
All you need to do is to add
In your
file.It will redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS automatically.
It only works in
mode by default. To change that, add :See the RedirectHttpsFilter documentation for more.