I am actually using a datagrid which is filled by a datatable to display my data(NOTE: These are dynamic data). Till now I was proceeding as below
grid = new Microsoft.Windows.Controls.DataGrid();
My datatable as
table = new System.Data.DataTable();
and I fill the datagrid with the datatable by doing
grid.ItemsSource = table.DefaultView;
However Due to dificulties I am facing to delete a column etc of the datagrid,I want to move to Datagridview instead of the datagrid.
I tried
grid = new Microsoft.Windows.Controls.DataGridview(); //WRONG
But it is aparently not the correct way.
How do I do this?
NOTE: Framework 3.5 / WPF.
Do you want to use native Winforms DataGridView in WPF? If yes, you should use WindowFormsHost and place DataGriView inside it. BTW, did you tried rebinding the datagrid after removing the column from your bound table? I am very sure that rebinding or restting the 'ItemsSource' should work.
see Embedding a Windows Form into a WPF application - if you want use WindowsForms controls.
But the right way is using MVVM http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/165368/WPF-MVVM-Quick-Start-Tutorial (if you use wpf)
I am posting the solution that suited me for future visitors. I found the answer to ALL my problems on this post >>HERE:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/mahesh/using-windows-forms-controls-in-wpf/