So let's assume that I have the following subroutine:
subroutine foo(a_date)
character*10 dummy, a_date
read(1, 100) dummy
100 format(A10)
a_date = dummy
which only reads a line from the file. But I want to read all the lines recursively. So when I call the subroutine recursively in my main procedure, I get an error after reaching EOF. So is there a way to prevent it so that the program knows when I reach EOF? Basically, I want to be able to know when I reach EOF.
Here are two methods. I refuse to teach the obsolete Fortran 77 which shouldn't have been used or taught in 25 years+, but the first method should work in any version of Fortran from 77 onwards
Method 1:
Method 2:
This needs F2003, but that's what you should be using these days
In Fortran 77 you use the
attribute, it instructs the program to go the givenlabel
when the end of file condition is triggered. Basically it works like aGO TO
statement triggered by theREAD