I want it like when we do "open with" and then choose Notepad. So that when I "open with" a file there will be my program in the list. How to associate a file type with my program?
How to make the program handle the file?
I want it like when we do "open with" and then choose Notepad. So that when I "open with" a file there will be my program in the list. How to associate a file type with my program?
How to make the program handle the file?
Best thing would be to create an EXE wrapper for your Java program:
How can I convert my Java program to an .exe file?
Best free tool to build an exe from Java code?
are relevant. Then you would need to create a file association. See this KB article on how to do it manually: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307859
If you use an installer package to package your app you would have to research on how to accomplish this automatically when your program installs.
Deploy the app. using Java Web Start.
This demo. of the file service is deployed using JWS (on OS X, *nix and Windows) and declares an interest in the