On a Window 7 machine in Cmder emulator in Git bash window, I'm trying to capture the ISO-formatted current date:
$ date +%s
to be sent inside the body of curl POST request:
$curl.sh -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{"restricted":true,"marquardtRole":"ContentStreamReservedTagMARQUARDTBIWEEKLYUPDATE","description":"Bi-weekly update covering Marquee development and go-to-market functions.","assetClasses":["Commodities","Credit","Currencies","Economics","Emerging Markets","Equities Macro","Equities Micro","Interest Rates","Prime Services"],"authoringDivision":"SECDIV","titlePattern":"(?i)Marquardt Weekly Update.*","name":"Marquardt BIWEEKLY UPDATE", "updatedBy": "d37286ac275911d788f1b1f11ac60222","updated":"'"date +%s"'"}' "http://localhost.abc.com:8000/maq-app-cnts/services/pubs"
Here's the exception I'm getting:
The request did not match any of the requests defined for this endpoint.
Request definition 1: The JSON object in the body does not conform to the schema
error: instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: ["integer"])
level: "error"
schema: {"loadingURI":"definition:/DateTimeInteger#","pointer":""}
instance: {"pointer":"/updated"}
domain: "validation"
keyword: "type"
found: "string"
expected: ["integer"]
How do I pass the date +%s
to curl for proper expansion in bash?
Thank you.
Instead of
'... ,"updated":"'"date +%s"'"}'
, use'... ,"updated":"'"$(date +%s)"'"}'
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/30327963/4486184