I am trying to do a conditional statement on cypress to check if the login link in the header is Sign in or Account or a class and then click on it.
The if condition is not working.
cy.get('header').then((header) => {
if (header.find('Sign in').length > 0) {
cy.contains('Sign In')
} else if (header.find('Account').length > 0) {
} else {
cy.get('.navUser-item--account .navUser-action').click()
I expect if Sign in found then it will click else if the Account is available then it will click else it will check by the class.
[always doing the last else condition][1] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/liEF9.png
[there is Account text and still it applied the last else condition][2] [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/sXYr8.png
Another code structure and now it always apply the first condition no matter what
The following code worked for me.
Thank you for helping,