All the information I have found so far is that the desktop app needs to be registered with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, and that there is a library called ADAL that has all that is needed.
But what I want to do is just log into a third-party app that is already running on top of Dynamics, and then use a REST method to read custom data that this third-party app provides.
Is this at all possible?
If push comes to shove, I could write a C#.NET DCOM wrapper class that I then import into Delphi to gain access to the ADAL functionality, but the developers of the third-party Dynamics 365 app want to control access themselves.
I've looked at the RESTDemos project example supplied with Delphi Studio 10.2 Tokyo, and while it has a number of OAuth 2.0 examples (which is what Dynamics 365 needs), they don't include Dynamics 365 itself.
But to see what might be needed, I have created a test Google app, gone through the sign-in process for Google Tasks, was able to fetch the auth-code and access-token, and then fetch a list of tasks, so at least I know that the OAuth 2.0 mechanism I am supposed to use is working.
I have been given the CRM root service address, which I can log into using the credentials they provided, but that is just for the Dynamics 365 web application. I want to be able to use the same credentials to access the API of their app.
If I append api/data/v8.0/ to the root URL they gave me, I can see a list of all the supported REST methods. Trying to use one, like api/data/v8.0/accounts/ gives me an "Access is denied" message unless I have actually logged into the CRM system via the Microsoft login page, at which point the REST method returns every account in the system.
From further investigations I have found that the method I am looking for is the one suggested for daemon/server applications.
For this to work, I do have to register the application but into the AD domain of the third-party Dynamics 365 app. Once this is done, I can create a Public Key that will allow me to get the Azure Token without needing to login as a particular Dynamics 365 User.
The code to use is similar to below:
RESTClient.BaseURL := '';
RESTRequest.Method := TRESTRequestMethod.rmPOST;
RESTRequest.Resource := '/' + ATenantID + '/oauth2/token';
RESTRequest.Params.AddItem('grant_type', 'client_credentials', TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkGETorPOST);
RESTRequest.Params.AddItem('client_id', AClientID, TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkGETorPOST);
RESTRequest.Params.AddItem('client_secret', AClientSecret, TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkGETorPOST);
RESTRequest.Params.AddItem('resource', AResourceURI, TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkGETorPOST);
The ATentantID, AClientID, AClientSecret, and AResourceURI values can all be obtained from Azure Active Directory; either from its properties, or the properties of the Registered app.
You then pull the Token from the RESTRequest.Response object.
The following code using the Delphi REST Client Library will authenticate to Dynamics 365 when your application has been registered and configured correctly:
As noted above, the ATentantID, AClientID, AClientSecret, and AResourceURI values can all be obtained from Azure Active Directory; either from its properties, or the properties of the Registered app.