I have AWS setup for a unifi controller, I've been to access it with https://myserverip:8443, I bypass "This connection is note sucured" and use the controller normally
Now, I need to install and SSL certificate to get the hotspot payment system going.
I have a FQDN with GoDaddy so I created a subdomain
, that points to the elastic IP, I log on with
I bought the SSL certificate from GoDaddy, added the subdomain to that certificate.
I log on my AWS with SSH, generate my csr with the following command
cd /usr/lib/unifi
sudo java -jar lib/ace.jar new_cert unifi.mydomain.dom “My Company Name” City State CC*
Then I do
cd var/lib/unifi
more unifi_certificate.csr.pem
Once I get that I copy and paste it on GoDaddy, download the cert files, go back to AWS copy the files with filezilla to /usr/lib/unifi
Then I run the following command
sudo java -jar lib/ace.jar import_cert unifi_mydomain_com.crt bundlecert.crt
They import correctly, restart unifi service and reboot EC2
When I got to any of the above address I get the following
This site can’t provide a secure connection ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
I've tried different browsers, incognito mode, vpn, etc, I believe it's just a matter of SSL or my server
Check your which sits in /var/lib/unifi/ open the file with vim or your text editor of choice.
Have a look at your HTTPS options, the important ones are the ciphers and protocols.
The Protocols you need are TLSv1 and potentially SSLv2Hello there should be no other SSL protocols in there.
The Ciphers you ideally want are TLS, so for example TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
If you are having issues throw them all in, CAUTION! only use this in a demo /test environment.
Remember once you have edited the you need to restart the controller.
Lots of help on the Unifi page
UniFi - SSL Certificate Error
UniFi - Explaining the File
UniFi - File Explanation