I have the following XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Comprobante version="2.2" serie="A" folio="35207" fecha="2013-05-31T11:51:48">
<Emisor rfc="" nombre="E">
<DomicilioFiscal calle="" noExterior="" colonia="" />
<ExpedidoEn calle="" noExterior="" colonia="" />
<RegimenFiscal Regimen="Regimen" />
<Receptor rfc="" nombre="Z">
<Domicilio calle="" noExterior="" colonia="" />
<Conceptos cantidad="1.000" unidad="COMISION" descripcion="PENDIENTE" valorUnitario="28.50000" importe="28.50" />
<Impuestos totalImpuestosTrasladados="3.14">
<Traslado impuesto="IVA" tasa="11.00" importe="3.14" />
<ener:EstadoDeCuentaCombustible xmlns:ener="">
<ener:cadenaOriginal>||2.2|A|35207|2013-05-31T11:51:48|773463|2011|ingreso|Pago en una sola exhibicion|28.50|31.64|Tarjeta|Tijuana,Baja California|3213|ERE|E S.A. de C.V.|Prol|13351|Anexa e|Tijuana|Tijuana|Baja California|Mexico|22100|Prol|13351|Anexa e|Tijuana|Tijuana|Baja California|Mexico|22100|Regimen|XA|Z||||TIJUANA|TIJUANA|BAJA CALIFORNIA|Mexico||1.000|COMISION|PENDIENTE|28.50000|28.50|IVA|11.00|3.14|3.14||</ener:cadenaOriginal>
I need to get the text that is inside (that long string)
Here's how I start the c# code
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager xnm = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
xnm.AddNamespace("Documento", "http://www.sat.gob.mx/cfd/2");
xnm.AddNamespace("ener", "http://www.enercard.com.mx/cfd");
I've tried various ways...
//strOriginalString = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Documento:Addenda", xnm).FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("//ener:cadenaOriginal", xnm).InnerText;
//strOriginalString = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Documento:Addenda//ener:EstadoDeCuentaCombustible", xnm).FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("//ener:cadenaOriginal", xnm).InnerText;
//strOriginalString = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Documento:Addenda/Documento:cadenaOriginal", xnm).InnerXml;
this 3 ways always throw an exception...
I found another way that doesn't throw an exception, but it doesn't get the string
XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList nodes = root.SelectNodes("/Addenda/EstadoDeCuentaCombustible");
strOriginalString = "";
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
XmlNode child = node.SelectSingleNode("./cadenaOriginal");
if (child != null)
strOriginalString = child.InnerText;
What am I doing wrong? or is there another way that I can get the string inside
Your second attempt looks the closest to what should work:
But switch to this(edited):
I find Linq2Xml easier to use. (Assuming you have a valid namespace in
).This is somewhat simplified, and you'll need to deal with the namespace problems (one I note below), but otherwise, this is the basic construct:
There's an issue with
<ener:EstadoDeCuentaCombustible xmlns:ener="">
as the empty namespace is invalid.You're missing
declaration on your XML document:Fix that and you'll be able to use something like this: