I am developing an application uaing Solr. Everything is going fine and I am looking ahead to integrate Solr with CodeIgniter or some other framework for frontend. But there is a problem. I am performing some calculations on output rows thrown by Solr and showing them to users. It is really not feasible to do in PHP ( as it takes really long time). I have an existing code written in Java and hence, I find no reason in porting this application to PHP. How can I do that? Is there anyway I can insert my Java code on a certain query to modify output? Please note, operations I am performing are on Solr results only, so getting results is a must and then operations on them. Please suggest me how can I do that?
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If I understand you are developing a Front-end in PHP but want to reuse Java code to handle solr results to be presented on your front-end... Probably you have two ways to go: