i am working on a cakephp 2.x .. right now i have a function called forgetpassword and resetpassword in my userscontroller .. i am sending an email to a user..
i am sending a url like this ..this code is written in the forgetpassword function
$url = Router::url( array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'resetpassword'), true ).'/'.$key.'#'.$hash;
and i receive this url in my inbox like this
when i click the url which is on my inbox .. it is giving me an error .. not going to the resetpassword function .. instead if i add the controller name behind the function then it successfully loading the page
but i dont want the controller name behind the function in the url
Router::connect('/resetpassword', array('controller' => 'users', 'action'=>'resetpassword'));
means, that you are not using anything after it as passed params etc. But you do that, so correct is:
Also note that
is wrong, it should be - as documented: